Page:The Seven Cities of Delhi.djvu/15

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A list of the works consulted will be found in the Appendix. The libraries of the British Museum, India Office, and East India United Service Club have all been searched for information. Great care has been taken to get this correct, but many instances could be given where accounts differ, especially in the dates. I shall always be grateful for further information.

To the following gentlemen I am specially indebted for kindly giving me their personal experiences : —

Sir Alexander Taylor, G.C.B., explained the making of the Custom-house Battery. Mr. T. Gateley, late Bengal Horse Artillery, and Rai Bahadur Janki Nath, showed me the scenes of the Siege. Mr. J. S. Aldwell related the story of the defence of a house in Dariaganj, and pointed out the sites of several buildings now destroyed. Shaikh Sharf-ud-din, guardian of the shrine of Nizam-ud-din, pointed out the points of interest in that vicinity. Badri Das, a guide of fifty years' standing, took me round the old cities.

I would add my thanks to several Government officials for their courtesy.

G. R. H.

November, 1906.