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The Seven Cities of Delhi

the East Indian Railway. The Cashmere Gate was built about 1835; the Lahore Gate (since removed) was made a double gate In 1852. The other gates, except the Mori Gate, remain as they were.

ST.JAME'S CHURCH. — This was commenced in 1826, and took ten years to build, at a cost of ninety thousand rupees, provided by the munificence of Colonel James Skinner, C.B., whose descendants also have done much to improve the structure. The design is due to two officers of the Bengal Engineers. Major Robert Smith built it up to the cornice of the entablature (or top of the columns), while captain De Bude completed the work. The dome was much damaged by shell-fire during the siege, and at least one shot went through the dome; but it was restored by 1865, and the iron rails supporting the roof were presumably then built in. There is some legend about the number of shot-holes piercing the copper ball and cross which were taken down from the top after 1857, but the actual number seems to coincide with no number of any significance.

To the west in the churchyard is the grave of Mr. Eraser, who was shot on the Ridge in 1835. The tombstone was erected by his friend, Colonel