Page:The Seven Cities of Delhi.djvu/196

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The Seven Cities of Delhi

the nobles and the various workshops on the west side, and to the MIna Bazar and servants' quarters on the east. The Hne of this road was continued through a corresponding triple gate on the north side of the Nakkar Khana court along the Salimgarh Road. This road was bordered by other quarters, and the stables lay beyond a third triple gate, near which . there ran the canal,which entered by way of a bastion, at the angle of the castle, close by here. In the court of the Nakkar Khana, or music-gallery, the nobles had to alight from their elephants, and enter the next court on foot. Over the dividing gateway were stationed the musicians, with their hautboys,cymbals, serpents, and other strange instruments, and the enormous drums, which announced the arrival of the emperor to take his seat on the throne in the Diwan Am.

COURT OF THE DIWAN AM. — This also was surrounded by arcades of a single story, and was of magnificent dimensions, a hundred and eighty yards wide by a hundred and forty yards long. The arcades were apportioned to the different nobles, who vied with each other in their decoration, so that rich carpets, velvets,and silks were disposed in profusion. Between the gateway and the Diwan Am there seems to have once