Page:The Seven Cities of Delhi.djvu/232

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The Seven Cities of Delhi

footing; this they were unable to accomplish permanently until over three centuries had elapsed.To Altamsh we owe the completion of the Kutb Minar and an extension of the mosque enclosure, while his tomb, whether it was his own work or not, is certainly one of the most beautifully ornamented buildings of any age. He died in A.D.1235.

Altamsh had no faith in the power of his sons to rule wisely, and said openly that he wished his daughter, Riziyat, to succeed him. This, however, she was not allowed to do immediately, for RUKN-UD-DIN FIROZE SHAH first ascended the throne, the queen-mother being practically regent. This state of affairs did not long continue, for the daughter deposed him, amid the acclamation of the populace. He was imprisoned, and died in 1237, and was buried at Malikpur, to the west of Old Delhi.Riziyat was the only Queen of India until our own Queen Victoria assumed the title of Empress. She ruled, for a time, most wisely,and although she had ascended the throne without the countenance of the prime minister, or of the governors of the outlying districts, she was able to become mistress of her kingdom, and to earn for herself the manly title of "Sultan." Unfortunately, she was not equally wise where176