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The Seven Cities of Delhi

foolishly deserted his only supporter, and did not resume the throne until he was summoned by Daulat Khan Lodi, after Ikbal Khan had been killed In action. In 1407 Mahmud was besieged in Firozabad by a revolted noble, Khizr Khan, but held out until the siege was raised for want of supplies. In 1411 he had again to shut himself up, this time in Siri, while Firozabad was occupied by the same enemy; but the siege was again raised. Mahmud died at last, in A.D. 1412,after a reign of over twenty years, without a shadow of power, and with an experience of illfortune such as has been the lot of few kings.

The nobles now elected DAULAT KHAN LODI,but he was almost immediately besieged in the city of Siri by stronger forces than he had available. He had to surrender, after reigning a year, to KHIZR KHAN, thus successful at the third attempt ; with him commences the dynasty of the Sayyads. For some reason or other, this king considered himself a vassal of Timur, and without solicitation sent tribute to Samarkand. He built, in 141 8, a fort called Khizrabad, of which no trace remains ; it may have been near Okhla. Otherwise his reign of seven years contains no event of interest. He died in 1421, and his mausoleum used to stand at Okhla, but was removed to make room for the Agra Canal.204