Page:The Seven Cities of Delhi.djvu/303

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Delhi in Moghal Times

daily scuffles between these Montagus and Capulets, which eventually resulted in the rise of the Deccan party to power. In 1751 Safdar Jang revolted, and called to his aid the Bhartpur Jats, under Suraj Mai; Ghazi-ud-din bravely defended Delhi against them for five months, in 1753. He eventually defeated the Jats, in his turn calling on the Mahrattas under Holkar to complete the suppression of that tribe. Now the emperor must needs take a hand in a game which he did not in the least understand, and marched towards Bhartpur nominally to aid the young Ghazi, who was besieging that place, really to betray him. A letter from Ahmad Shah to Suraj Mai unfortunately fell into the hands of Ghazi-ud-din ; Holkar, the ally of the latter, attacked, took, and plundered the emperors camp; Ahmad Shah fled to Delhi, to be followed and invested by Ghazi, to whom he had to open the gates. A council of nobles inquired into the emperor's conduct in intriguing against "his own friends," and advised his deposition, which was at once carried out. But it will be remembered that deposed monarchs had previously been able to regain their kingdom, unless rendered unfit to rule, and that was effected by blinding. This operation was carried out in one of two ways: the eyes could239