Page:The Seven Cities of Delhi.djvu/324

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The Seven Cities of Delhi

Mahrattas retired towards Rewari, three days before the commander-in-chief, with a relieving force from Agra, reached Delhi. Had the enemy attacked at several points simultaneously in the long enceinte the place must have fallen; but that does not detract from this most gallant defence.

In 1805 it was settled that Shah Alam should receive a monthly allowance from the East India Company of sixty thousand rupees, that other payments should be made to his relatives, amounting to an additional thirty thousand rupees per mensem, while a certain amount of land was assigned to him for the enjoyment of the revenues. Further, a sum of ten thousand rupees annually was to be paid to him on the occasion of certain festivals no sentences of death passed on persons living within the city or the assigned territory were to be carried out without his sanction. This was all that remained to the Moghal " emperor," his rights to be called such not being recognized.

In 1806 Shah Alam died, and was buried in the royal enclosure, near the shrine of Kutb-ud-din. He was succeeded by his son, AKBAR SHAH II., whose name recalls memories of a great emperor, but who had still less power than his father had enjoyed, if only for brief intervals. The events of his reign are only of interest so258