Page:The Seven Cities of Delhi.djvu/331

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The Mutiny of 1857, and the Siege

kings retainers. With them perished the Chaplain of Delhi, his daughter, and a lady friend of hers, who were staying there on a visit.

Meanwhile, the 54th Bengal Native Infantry had marched down to the Cashmere Gate, and through the enclosure, In which was posted the main guard, drawn from the 38th Bengal Light Infantry. The colonel was riding at the head, the officers seem to have been accompanying him as he rode. They were suddenly charged by some of the Meerut troopers, and the colonel, four other officers, and the European sergeant-major, were cut down, all the last five being killed; the other officers and the regimental surgeon had to fly for their lives. Their men did not attempt to defend them, but it is fair to state that the muskets were not loaded. The regiment then went over to the mutineers.

It was now about nine o'clock, and until four in the afternoon all was fairly quiet In the civil lines and cantonments. Small bodies of troops were moved backwards and forwards between the Cashmere Gate and cantonments, but did not proceed into the city to quell the riot. Meanwhile, the Europeans and others, Including a number of clerks and pensioners, who lived in Dariaganj, were the helpless prey of the scum of the city, who were not slow to take advantage of265