Page:The Seven Cities of Delhi.djvu/35

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Rang Mahal (p. 158). — Next to the private apartments of the king Is the "Rang Mahal," or "Painted Palace," the term "Mahal" being particularly applied to the women's apartments. This was used after 1857 as an officers' mess-room, and has been much disfigured by white- wash, but is now being restored. Underneath are rooms which were used for retreat during summer heats. Beyond this hall were other apartments for the women, and through the whole range of the buildings on the terrace flowed water in a channel.

Across this channel, in the Khas Mahal, there is an exquisite inlaid and pierced marble screen, so thin as to be translucent in the upper part, where are depicted the sun, moon, and stars, and the scales of Justice ; the lower part is like lace, so delicate is the carving. A pierced marble balustrade filled In the intervals between the pillars in the Diwan Khas, but this has gone, like the precious stones of the inlay-work ; some taken by the Mahrattas, with the silver plates which once formed the ceiling ; some, it is to be feared, by modern vandals.

Baths (p. 152). — On the north side of the Diwan Khas is a range of baths. They consist of a cool room, looking out over the river, and