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The Seven Cities of Delhi

minarets mark the mosque called "Zinat-ul-Masajid," the "beauty among mosques." A road to the Rajghat Gate, now filled up, ran in between the castle and Dariaganj, and near the gilded mosque was the staging bungalow ; in this two officers, whose names are unknown, met their death on the morning of the outbreak of the Mutiny.

Jāma Masjid (p. 165). — The road to the Jama Masjid ran past elephant stables, on the left, and through a bazar and "chouk," all of which have been swept away, thereby opening up a splendid view of the magnificent mosque, which stands on high, erected as it is on an outcrop of rock, called the Jujula Pahar. The Jama Masjid is the cathedral mosque of India, and here on Fridays all assemble for prayer, the service on other days being attended in the parish mosques. The word "Jama" means "collected together," and must not be confused with "Juma," which means "Friday." The efficacy of prayers at home being counted as one, to pray in the Jama Masjid brings the reward of twenty-five prayers, while a prayer in the Kabah at Mecca is equal to one hundred thousand. During the month of Ramzan (which now falls in October, but constantly advances, for the Mahomedan year is a lunar year)