Page:The Seven Cities of Delhi.djvu/66

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6. 1658. Aurungzeb, son of 5, whom he deposed. Cromwell, Pro- tector. Charles II. James II. William and Mary. 1653. 1660. 1685. 1689. 7. 1707. Shah Alam Bahadur Shah, son of 6. Anne. 1702. 8. 1712. Jahandar Shah, son of 7. 9. 1713- Farukhsiyar, nephew of 8. George I. 1714- 12. 1719- Mahomed Shah, cousin of 9. George II. 1727. 13. 1748. Ahmad Shah, son of 12. 14. 1754- Alamgir II., son of 13. 15. 1759- Shah Alam, son of 14. George III. 1760. 16. 1806. Akbar Shah II., son of 15. George IV. WiUiam IV. 1820. 1830. 17. 1837. Bahadur Shah, son of 16, and last of the Moghals. Victoria. 1837.

It will be observed that the numbers of the kings of Delhi in their respective dynasties are not consecutive, but all have not been included, for some reigned a very short time, and have little to do with the monuments at Delhi. The comparative table is distinctly interesting, for it shows that in our own history kings have succeeded each other as quickly as those of Delhi.

Domes are a very prominent feature in both Hindu and Mahomedan architecture ; it is at times doubtful whether they surmount a mosque, or a tomb, or even a Hindu temple. The two latter have each one dome, a pyramidal one in the case of the temple, but a mosque has (with