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Messrs. Methuen's List ii

THE ADVENTURES OF HAJJI BABA OF ISPAHAN. By James Morier. With an Introduction by E. G. Browne, W. A. , and a Portrait. 2 -vols. "js.

THE LIVES OF DONNE, WOTTON, HOOKER, HER- BERT, AND SANDERSON. By Izaak Walton. With an Introduction by Vernon Blackburn, and a Portrait. 3^. 6d.

THE LIVES OF THE ENGLISH POETS. By Samuel Johnson, LL.D. With an Introduction by J. H. Millar, and a Portrait. 3 vols, los, 6d.

Illustrated Books

Jane Barlow. THE BATTLE OF THE FROGS AND MICE, translated by Jane Barlow, Author of « Irish Idylls,' and pictured by F. D. Bedford. Small 4/0. 6s. net.

S. Baring Gould. A BOOK OF FAIRY TALES retold by S. Baring Gould. With numerous illustrations and initial letters by Arthur J. Gaskin. Second Edition. Crown %vo. Buckram. 6s. 'Mr. Baring Gould has done a good deed, and is deserving of gratitude, in re- writing in honest, simple style the old stories that delighted the childhood of " our fathers and grandfathers." We do not think he has omitted any of our favourite stories, the stories that are commonly regarded as merely ' ' old fashioned." As to the form of the book, and the printing, which is by Messrs. Constable, it were diflacult to commend overmuch. — Saturday Review.

S. Baring Gould. OLD ENGLISH FAIRY TALES. Col- lected and edited by S. Baring Gould. With Numerous Illustra- tions by F. D. Bedford. Second Edition. CrownSvo. Buckram. 6s. 'A charming volume, which children will be sure to appreciate. The stories have been selected with great ingenuity from various old ballads and folk-tales, and, having been somewhat altered and readjusted, now stand forth, clothed in Mr. Baring Gould's delightful English, to enchant youthful readers. All the tales are good.' — Guardian.

S. Baring Gould. A BOOK OF NURSERY SONGS AND RHYMES. Edited by S. Baring Gould, and Illustrated by the Birmingham Art School. Buckram, gilt top. Crown Svo. 6s. ' The volume is very complete in its way, as it contains nursery songs to the number of 77> game-rhymes, and jingles. To the student we commend the sensible intro- duction, and the explanatory aotes. The volume is superbly printed on soft, thick paper, which it is a pleasure to touch ; and the borders and pictures are, as we have said, among the very best specimens wc have seen of the Gaskin school.' — Birtning^fiatt: Gazette,