Page:The Seven Seas (Kipling, 1896).djvu/58

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Till, off Sambawa Head, Ye mind, I heard a land-breeze ca',
Milk-warm wi' breath o' spice an' bloom: 'M'Andrew, come awa'!'
Firm, clear an' low—no haste, no hate—the ghostly whisper went,
Just statin' eevidential facts beyon' all argument:
'Your mither's God's a graspin' deil, the shadow o' yoursel',
Got out o' books by meenisters clean daft on Heaven an' Hell.
'They mak' Him in the Broomielaw, o' Glasgie cold an' dirt,
'A jealous, pridefu' fetich, lad, that's only strong to hurt,
'Ye'll not go back to Him again an' kiss His red-hot rod,
'But come wi' Us' (Now, who were They?) 'an' know the Leevin' God,
'That does not kipper souls for sport or break a life in jest,

'But swells the ripenin' cocoanuts an' ripes the woman's breast.'