Page:The Shepheardes Calender - Spenser (1579).djvu/85

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fol. 31


Ægloga Nona.


Herein Diggon Dauie is deuised to be a shepheard, that in hope of more gayne, droue his sheepe into a farre countrye. The abuses whereof, and loose liuing of Popish prelates, by occasion of Hobbinols deman̄d, he discourseth at large.

Hobbinol.Diggon Dauie.
DIggon Dauie, I bidde her god day:
Or Diggon her is, or I missaye.

Her was her, while it was daye light,
But now her is a most wretched wight.
For day, that was, is wightly past,
And now at earst the dirke night doth hast.

Diggon areede, who has thee so dight?
Neuer I wist thee in so poore a plight.
Where is the fayre flocke, thou was wont to leade?
Or bene they chaffred? or at mischiefe dead?
