Page:The Sikh Religion, its gurus, sacred writings and authors Vol 1.djvu/442

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'Nanak, the man who listeneth to the Guru's instruction shall be saved.
'They who delight not in the Word and who love not God's name,
'Speak offensively with their tongues, and shall ever be disgraced.
'Nanak, they act according to their destiny which none can erase.'

Rag Bilawal

It would not redound to God's glory to call Him by the names of the Hindu incarnations.

Thou art an emperor; if I call Thee lord, how will that be to Thy greatness?
If Thou inspire me, I will praise Thee, O Lord; I am foolish myself and can say nothing.
Give me understanding to sing Thy praises,
That I may abide in truth according to Thy will.
All that there is cometh from Thee; Thou lovest all.
I know not Thy limit, O my Lord; what skill have I, a blind man?
What shall I say? while talking I see that I cannot describe the Indescribable.
I speak as it pleaseth Thee; and this is only in the smallest degree for Thy greatness.
Among so many dogs I, a strange dog, bark for my belly's sake.
Even though Nanak perform no service, he will still bear his Master's name

The Guru's faith in God.

My body I have clothed with a Qalandar's dress, I have turned my heart into a temple, and I bathe in that place of pilgrimage.
The one Word dwelleth in my heart, and I shall not be born again.
My soul is pierced by the Compassionate One; O my mother,