Page:The Silent Scream (1984).ogg/41

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Now let’s look at abortion as an industry. Last year, there were 1.5 million abortions done in this country; and the average cost of an abortion is about three to four hundred dollars per operation. This has created an industry in this country of about five to six hundred million dollars a year, which would qualify to be on the Fortune 500 list of largest industries in the world. Ninety percent of these monies are going into the pockets of physicians and the remainder into the pockets of the entrepreneurs who run the clinics.

Now, we’ve had some recent investigations into the question of these clinics. Clinics are being franchised out, like fast-food services, across the country. We know there are chains of them in California and through the Southwest, and even in the southeast of the United States. And there is some evidence now, that increasingly, these clinics are falling into the hands of the Mob, of the crime syndicate here in the United States, and that this money—abortion money—is tainted, not only by the blood of the innocent victims of abortion, but by the dark hand of the crime syndicate in the United States.