Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/218

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"This I availed myself of, and on Wednesday afternoon, when all were out in the cricket-field, I made some peepholes, so that they gave me a full view into two rooms on either side.

"The little room was supposed to be locked up, and also the master (myself) was thought not to be at home; so I slipped upstairs a couple of hours before bedtime, and locked myself in.

"By-and-bye they all came laughing upstairs, accompanied by two young ushers, one of whom slept in each room to keep order.

"By standing on the beds I had a full view of everything going on.

"'Now, Mr. Smith, let's see if your prick is sore after having three of us last night!' I heard one of the biggest boys say, and looking into the room, there