Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/93

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his own house, in the room next to his wife's boudoir. I heard her laughing, and talking, or playing on the piano, whilst her husband was on his knees before me, sucking my prick.

"We both laghed about it afterwards, especially when I asked him if he thought her ladyship would not like a dose from the same bottle?

"On one occasion five of us went with one gentleman and acted with him or with one another for him to see, every kind of buggery, frigging and gamahuching. It was a luscious scene, just such as you will see to-night, my dear," he said, squeezing my stiff prick outside my trousers. "But wait till then; don't let my talk make you randy," he continued.

"That gentlemen was a clergyman,