Page:The Slave Girl of Agra.djvu/121

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"I am your humble slave, great Prince, and an attendant on your royal mother," said Jelekha, humbly.

"And this girl is thy sister, is she? The Tartars are a tall breed, methinks, and thy sister is a good three inches taller than thee. And I do not half dislike her strong, masculine face, though it is not as sweet as thy own."

Not the least tremor marked the voice of Jelekha as she answered:

"We are a rough, hard-featured race, Prince. Our men delight in war; our girls often pasture their flocks on lonely hills, and learn the use of the dirk."

"And does thy sister speak the language of Hind? And will the fair barbarian understand me if I ask her for a kiss?"

"My sister speaks no language but our own, mighty Prince, and in my country young girls are taught to take a kiss for an insult, and repay it with a stroke of their dagger."

"Why, what a race of wildcats you must be in your wild mountains! And yet a kiss I would fain have from this wild cat, even if she clawed me for it. Methinks there is a wild flavour in her rude lips like the flavour of strong wine. And if the young barbarian pleases me she will find a situation in my palace. Musalmanis are stiff and Rajputnis are cloying, but a gaunt. young Tartar girl is like half raw meat and suits a warrior's palate."

Noren bit his lips in vexation and rage, and his hand unconsciously drew near his belt. But the least indiscretion would lead to exposure, and the blood of Jelekha and himself would pay for it.