Page:The Slave Girl of Agra.djvu/181

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and will discharge well any duty imposed upon him."

"So be it then," said the Emperor as he rose from his seat. "Let Gajapati be thy comrade in this mission of peace, and take with him the young Bengal Chief whom Gajapati has brought to our Court."

The Councillors bowed to the Emperor and departed. Noren was the last to leave, and tears of gratitude for this new favour of the Emperor stood in his eyes as he made his parting salaam. The Emperor understood his feelings, and spoke kindly, as a father to a son.

"Norenda Nath Roy, I have granted thee thy wish to visit Rajasthan. Tarry not, for thy mission brooks no delay. And hark thee, young man," added Akbar, with a smile, "Rajasthan, methinks, is a safer place for thee now than the fort of Agra, where Tartar maids are bewitching and eunuch guards are vindictive."

A bolt from the blue sky could scarcely have startled Noren more than these soft whispered words. But, before he had recovered from his surprise and terror, the Emperor was gone!