Page:The Slave Girl of Agra.djvu/35

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good men, my lord, and even of the Great Raja at Rajmahal, by having brought up a helpless orphan boy and restored to him the estate of his fathers. Great will be thy glory and fame in the land."

"Ay, mighty is the glory of being a humble manager of a House where my great ancestors never set foot except as equals or betters! Thou wert once the mistress of Debipur, lady, can'st thou not feel as a Zemindar's lady should?"

"I feel as well as thyself, husband. By the will of the Great Bhagavan we will win back our position and rank and estate once more."

"God helping, we will! And Depibur will enjoy a higher glory than before if Nobo Kumar has not lost his wonted skill."

"Be it so, my husband. And Bhagavan, who has rescued us from past dangers, is preparing the way to a greater glory in the future."

"Speak plainly, my wife. I guess thou hast some ideas in the matter, and thy wisdom has ever helped me in my endeavours."

"How old is our girl Hemlata, my lord?"

"Why, she is twelve now. She was two when we came to Debipur, and that was ten years ago."

"And is it not meet and proper that we should be thinking of her marriage now?"

"Thou art right, my wife, but I have not thought of it. The noblest in the land would demand the hand of the heiress of Debipur if we were masters of the estate now. But very few seek the alliance so long as we are humble servants at Birnagar!"

"I know not that, my lord; the hand of the heiress of Debipur is sought by many a likely suitor, and