Page:The Slave Girl of Agra.djvu/44

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Afghans have plundered the sacred temple of Jagannath!"

"And Man Singh is a Hindu and a Rajput."

"He will not forgive this offence against the Hindu religion."

"He is already marching down with his army to Orissa, silently and rapidly."

"And whether the Raja wins or loses, there will be a sanguinary battle very shortly."

"There will be a sanguinary battle, but Rajah Man Singh seldom loses."

"Then you think the Raja will conquer Orissa this time, and finally annex it to Akbar's great Empire?"

"My Master has judged rightly; and that will keep the Raja in Orissa for a while."

"Why, that upsets all our plans."

"That just helps our plans, and hastens our success."

"Speak more plainly, thou mysterious man, for I follow thee not. Wert thou not preparing a petition to Raja Man Singh for my early restoration to Debipur? And dost thou think the Raja will trouble himself with such paltry matters when the grim Rajput smells war and conquest far off?"

"When the Raja is far off his Kanangoe has the power to pass orders in all matters concerning estates."

"And dost thou think the Kanangoe will incline in our favour?"

"His office has touched gold from my Master's treasury."

Nobo Kumar started at this new disclosure of