Page:The Slave Girl of Agra.djvu/83

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distinctly visible they were abreast of each other; and the boatmen, encouraged by the presence of their masters, bent themselves on their oars with a will. The flags fluttered as the boats sped over the waters with lightning speed, and a universal shout from the assembled men proclaimed their near approach.

The river had a slight bend towards the west, and as the Birnagar boat was on the western side it had the advantage. The Birnagar rowers were stronger also, and their boat was soon ahead of the other. Noren was mad with joy, his boat was taking the lead.

But Nobo Kumar's men saw the frown on his face and heard his muttered wrath, and they understood. By a steady and strong pull they soon came near the Birnagar boat.

Noren's men, too, had heard Nobo Kumar's angry words. Their rowing grew slack, and it was whispered on shore that Birnagar dared not win when Nobo Kumar was on the Debipur boat. It was just this that Gokul Das had foreseen when he sent his master to the boat.

Noren saw the other boat gaining upon him, and was furious with rage. He shouted to his men and still kept the lead by a boat's length; but the river now showed a bend eastwards, and the Debipur boat had the advantage and came abreast. Noren wished to minimise this vantage and guided his vessel close to the Debipur boat.

"Beware! Beware!" shouted several voices, but it was too late! The two vessels collided with the violence of cannon balls, and both sunk in the waters,