Page:The Social War.djvu/165

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from us, and we'll surely be hung as common murderers. Oh! Oh!! Oh!!!"

"Do not be such a coward, Mr. President," angrily cried out Dr. Toy Pancy. "I also know that a certain class of people will join Dr. Juno, but these are few compared with all those who are his bitter opponents. Now, listen for a moment, Brother Pier, and don't be a fool; both you and the deacon forget that we can swell our crowd to an immense army by calling all the medicine doctors, medicine swallowers, tobacco dealers, rum dealers, and the users of these articles; also the jealous, selfish, miserly crowd will come to our side, if we should ask them to do so, and the public press is our slave already; therefore take comfort, and feel safe and sound."

"O dear, good, wise Brother Pancy, you really are a doctor, who can cure the weakness of the flesh by your deep thought, and I now feel I am myself again," ejaculated the saintly Rev. Joe Pier.

"Mr. President, I am not a public speaker, but I have a few words to say; and that is, that I am opposed to accept the services, or be thrown into communion with unregenerate people like the dissipated worldlings who indulge in rum, tobacco, profanity, Sabbath breaking and so forth," responded a sanctimonious brother.

"Silence!" interposed Deacon Rob Stew, "and hear me. We do not want your silly scruples on the habits of the worldlings, or on any one else; first, because such nonsense comes too near the accursed teachings of Dr. Juno; and, secondly, because we shall need all the help that we can get from all quarters; furthermore, I call upon the president to order all such rebellious stuff as being irrelevant, when we meet as a sacredly secret conclave; and remind all who belong here that I say our solemn oath cannot be violated with impunity. Remember the fate of the apostate, Harry Gossimer!"

"Yes, brothers and sisters, remember the fate of the apostate, Harry Gossimer, whose death, for dissenting