Page:The Social War.djvu/306

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objections being made on her part ; she seemed innocent, but General Armington said : "As this woman is a stranger, and cannot be vouched for, although she seems innocent, it cannot be esteemed improper to retain her as a prisoner until we find the true culprit ; and if we do not find him or her, we shall be com- pelled to make this lady give a full account of herself, who invited her, and how she happened to be here." The heroic and determined Nancy Clover was .asked to "stand aside," and was guarded by two soldiers, whilst the balance of the women were vouched for and examined, until the third to the last made her appearance, who had the pistol in her dress pocket, and as the examiner at once got his hand upon the pistol, and took it from her pocket, he said : " Here is the weapon." "Great God!" was an exclamation that was heard all over the room. "Maria! O Sister Maria! what have you done? "ex claimed a gentleman, and the entire brother and sisterhood of Naturalists were amazed. Some exclaimed : " It cannot be possible that our most faithful sister is guilty ! " "No, never ! I have done nothing " " But how came that pistol in your pocket ? " interrupted General Armington, gently. "I do not charge you with the crime, but cannot you tell us how you came to have this pistol in your pocket ? " " I do not know," continued sister Maria. Nancy Clover's nerves were wrought up to a high pitch of excitement at this state of affairs, and she soliloquized : " The old fool is being vouched for as one of their most popular and loyal sister Naturalists, which makes it seem dark for me ; but I will be calm." "Think for a moment," said the general, "if you recol lect that some one was close enough by you, who might have slipped it into your pocket."