Page:The Social War.djvu/55

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that was laid for his death through the faithful brother, Dr. Toy Pancy.

"Secondly, we must generate a hue and cry that Miss Lucinda Armington has compromised her reputation by injudicious familiarities, having, in disguise and at an im proper hour, visited Mr. Juno's residence.

"Thirdly, that, having failed in our first attempt to for ever quiet Victor Juno, we must now work more amongst the masses of saints of all colors, than aim directly at the life of this vile innovator; and by setting up a howl amongst the brethren, setting forth the great danger to our cause, provided this man Juno is not quieted or de graded. This is our next best step what thinks brother Stew?" said Nancy Clover, whose words sank deep into the hearts of all present.

Deacon Rob Stew now arose and spoke as follows:

"Beloved saints, I have listened with great interest to our valued sister's glorious plans of operations, and have come to the conclusion, what she does not know is not worth knowing.

"Let us, therefore, act upon her plans, and to do so effectually, each one must be assigned his or her portion of the work, otherwise we might cause the chains to clank to our disadvantage, by drawing attention to matters with the same persons, and thereby cause suspicions. I mean, that each one shall know in what field he is to operate; because we shall have to influence the Standard Medical Fraternity; the Editorial Fraternity; the Municipal Ring; the moral, literary, charitable and religious organizations, such as the Young Men's Christian Associations, Sabbath schools, Bible societies, tract and the numerous charitable societies. And I propose the following order of work for our members:

"Rev. Joe Pier, among the Editorial and Municipal Rings.

"Dr. Toy Fancy, among the Standard Medical Fraternity and Druggists.