Page:The Social War.djvu/62

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Friends of free, noble America, are you going to allow the meanest monarchy on earth to rob you of your inalienable rights, I mean the sectarian money-monarchy,—are you going to stand by, rubbing your bloodshot eyes, and blaming God for the miseries and serfdom you suffer, whilst cunning, craft, hypocrisy and the most cruel deceptions are continually practiced upon you by these false interpreters of the Bible, who would have you dance to their riddle or see you suffer the veriest slavery; but, withal, howl of freedom and American liberty?

Why, my dear friends, there are leaders at the head of these misled enthusiasts who would enter into any foul conspiracies for the purpose of gaining their Pharisaical ends. The bloodiest conspirators of all ages are at the helm of this sanctimonious work of deviltry. They crucify Christ anew, and connive to slay the faithful follower of truth, because they, claiming to be the chosen people of the Lord, think they own heaven, earth, man and his liberty to serve God.

Was not Jesus Christ arrested on the Sabbath day for doing good, the same as these modern vipers arrest all men who desire to think and act as they deem it right? Did Jesus ever use trickery like this to subjugate sinners? Did he delight in domineering, lucre-grubbing and sanctimony? Nay, nay; but he pronounced the following terrible woes upon such scoundrels:

"Wo unto you scribes and pharisees, hypocrites, for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer; therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. Ye fools and blind guides, who strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.

"Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell."

With Jesus Christ, God and nature, I cry aloud and spare not him who sets himself against the fixed laws of an unchangeable Creator, and I exhort and pray you, instead of God, to rise up as one man and slay the hydra-