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groaned under the weight of the inimical regime attained a comparative relief in the promised constitution which called them to a participation in the administration of the state.

This sudden turn in the political situation in Austria awakened a gigantic movement in the whole empire; the nations living hitherto in humiliation and bondage rose at once, and with an irrepressible force began to strive and work for the loosening of the fetters which hitherto had constrained their individual and cultural, as well as economical, life. The consciousness of their national rights forced its way with all might and inspired all classes to the steady work of regeneration. With all haste clubs and societies were formed, institutions and organizations founded; everybody rushed to the front to show his fervent desire to serve the common cause of the reawakened nation.

In this marvellous period of upheaval, in this memorable time of the resurrection of Czech self consciousness the impulse for the foundation of the »Sokol« was initiated in Prague.

At first it was a modest step on the part of the sporting amateurs of Malýpeter’s private gymnastic institute who intended to form a society for the promotion of gymnastics; but as soon as public attention was aroused the leading national powers took up this resolution as a great promising means for arousing the exuberant vitality of the Czech nation. The names of the foremost politicians Julius Gréger and his brother Dr. Ed. Gréger, Em. Tonner, Fr. Šimáček, Prince Thurn-Taxis, the famous scientist prof. Purkyně; among literary authorities prof. Novotný, Dr. Tyrš, J. Wenzig and others are eloquent signs that the society at its very beginning assumed a more important task, reaching far beyond the mere training of the body; in truth, it was only a few weeks after its appearance that during the precipitous rush of public life it was placed in the most exposed position as one of the first workers and fighters for the emancipation of the young nation.

On the 26th of February 1862 the constituting general meeting of this first Czech gymnastic society was held in Prague (Praha is the Czech name of the city). By the will of the nalion the new society was immediately endowed with a chivalrous character, tasks were heaped on it; it was flooded with mottoes, in which the whole spirit of the people manifestly represents itself excited by the sudden events, the courage, manliness, demonstrative patriotism, (a proud behaviour, showy uniform)—on the other side the democratic character, brotherhood (addressing each other by »thou« and all the signs of a vigorous youth, as well as of a generous movement which filled the heads and hearts of a people recovering its senses after a trance.