Page:The Sole Exclusive Divinity of Jesus Christ Proved.pdf/13

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in that divine truth and confidence to which you are called.

These means are, to look and labour earnestly for that Salvation which Jesus Christ came to accomplish in you, and for this purpose to watch over and cherish in your own minds and lives the progress of this work, in its gradual removal of all the powers of sin and error, working in the spirit of pride, covetousness, impatience, malice, hatred, contempt of others, and similar evils, until you attain to the full introduction and establishment of all the heavenly graces and virtues of humility, contentment, patience, charity, forbearance, well-doing, and every other evangelical excellence, which has a tendency to conjoin you with God, and God with you.

But since you cannot effect all this of yourselves without a divine power, and since there is no divine power but from Jesus Christ, it is further necessary that you apply immediately to this only true God, to receive from him that new life which he came to give you, which is the blessed life of faith and love, of truth and confidence, void of doubt, because uncontaminated by the defilements of sin.

To this manifested Incarnate God then let me direct you to approach in the spirit of a true repentance and conversion, and I will venture to promise you, because he hath promised it, that in the degree of purification and regeneration, to which, in such case, you will have the unspeakable happiness to attain, you will be gifted with that principle of a divine faith, which, casting out all uncertainty of