Page:The Song of Roland.djvu/124

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After, they take the bodies of those knights,
Each of the three is wrapped in a deer’s hide;
They’re washen well in allspice and in wine.
The King commands Tedbalt and Gebuin,2970
Marquis Otim, Milun the count besides:
Along the road in three wagons to drive.
They’re covered well with carpets Galazine.



Now to be off would that Emperour Charles,
When pagans, lo! comes surging the vanguard;2975
Two messengers come from their ranks forward,
From the admiral bring challenge to combat:
“’Tis not yet time, proud King, that thou depart.
Lo, Baligant comes cantering afterward,
Great are the hosts he leads from Arab parts;2980
This day we’ll see if thou hast vassalage.”
Charlès the King his snowy beard has clasped,
Remembering his sorrow and damage,
Haughtily then his people all regards,
In a loud voice he cries with all his heart:2985
“Barons and Franks, to horse, I say, to arms!”



First before all was armed that Emperour,
Nimbly enough his iron sark indued,
Laced up his helm, girt on his sword Joiuse,
Outshone the sun that dazzling light it threw,2990
Hung from his neck a shield, was of Girunde,
And took his spear, was fashioned at Blandune.
On his good horse then mounted, Tencendur,
Which he had won at th’ ford below Marsune
When he flung dead Malpalin of Nerbune,2995
Let go the reins, spurred him with either foot;
Five score thousand behind him as he flew,
Calling on God and the Apostle of Roum.