Page:The Song of Roland.djvu/155

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It is proved right that Guenelun be hung
And those his kin, that in his cause are come.”



Now that Tierris the battle fairly wins,
That Emperour Charles is come to him;3935
Forty barons are in his following,
Naimès the Duke, Oger that Danish Prince,
Geifrei d’Anjou, Willalme of Blaive therewith.
Tierri, the King takes in his arms to kiss;
And wipes his face with his great marten-skins;3940
He lays them down, and others then they bring;
The chevaliers most sweetly disarm him;
An Arab mule they’ve brought, whereon he sits.
With baronage and joy they bring him in.
They come to Aix, halt and dismount therein.3945
The punishment of the others then begins.


His counts and Dukes then calls to him Carlun:
“With these I guard, advise what shall be done.
Hither they came because of Guenelun;
For Pinabel, as pledges gave them up.”3950
Answer the Franks: “Shall not of them live one.”
The King commands his provost then, Basbrun:
“Go hang them all on th’ tree of cursèd wood!
Nay, by this beard, whose hairs are white enough,
If one escape, to death and shame thou’rt struck!”3955
He answers him: “How could I act, save thus?”
With an hundred serjeants by force they come;
Thirty of them there are, that straight are hung.
Who betrays man, himself and ’s friends undoes.



Then turned away the Baivers and Germans3960
And Poitevins and Bretons and Normans.
Fore all the rest, ’twas voted by the Franks