Page:The Song of Roland.djvu/48

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“Fair Master Guene,” says then King Marsilie,580
Shew the device, how Rollant slain may be.”
Answers him Guenes: “That will I soon make clear:
The King will cross by the good pass of Size,
A guard he’ll set behind him, in the rear;
His nephew there, count Rollant, that rich peer,585
And Oliver, in whom he well believes;
Twenty thousand Franks in their company.
Five score thousand pagans upon them lead,
Franks unawares in battle you shall meet,
Bruised and bled white the race of Franks shall be;590
I do not say, but yours shall also bleed.
Battle again deliver, and with speed.
So, first or last, from Rollant you’ll be freed.
You will have wrought a high chivalrous deed,
Nor all your life know war again, but peace.595



“Could one achieve that Rollant’s life was lost,
Charlè’s right arm were from his body torn;
Though there remained his marvellous great host,
He’d not again assemble in such force;
Terra Major would languish in repose.”600
Marsile has heard, he’s kissed him on the throat;
Next he begins to undo his treasure-store.



Said Marsilie—but now what more said they?—
“No faith in words by oath unbound I lay;
Swear me the death of Rollant on that day.”605
Then answered Guene: “So be it, as you say.”
On the relics, are in his sword Murglès,
Treason he’s sworn, forsworn his faith away.