Page:The Song of Roland.djvu/55

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Retain you them; your safeguard this shall be.”
Then says the count: “I will not have them, me!
Confound me God, if I fail in the deed!
Good valiant Franks, a thousand score I’ll keep.
Go through the pass in all security,790
While I’m alive there’s no man you need fear.”



The count Rollanz has mounted his charger.
Beside him came his comrade Oliver,
Also Gerins and the proud count Geriers,
And Otès came, and also Berengiers,795
Old Anséis, and Sansun too came there;
Gerart also of Rossillon the fierce,
And there is come the Gascon Engeliers.
“Now by my head I’ll go!” the Archbishop swears.
“And I’m with you,” says then the count Gualtiers,800
“I’m Rollant’s man, I may not leave him there.”
A thousand score they choose of chevaliers.



Gualter del Hum he calls, that Count Rollanz;
“A thousand Franks take, out of France our land;
Dispose them so, among ravines and crags,805
That the Emperour lose not a single man.”
Gualter replies: “I’ll do as you command.”
A thousand Franks, come out of France their land,
At Gualter’s word they scour ravines and crags;
They’ll not come down, howe’er the news be bad,810
Ere from their sheaths swords seven hundred flash.
King Almaris, Belserne for kingdom had,
On the evil day he met them in combat.