Page:The Song of Roland.djvu/62

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A thousand horns they sound, more proud to seem;
Great is the noise, the Franks its echo hear.1005
Says Oliver: “Companion, I believe,
Sarrazins now in battle must we meet.”
Answers Rollanz: “God grant us then the fee!
For our King’s sake well must we quit us here;
Man for his lord should suffer great disease,1010
Most bitter cold endure, and burning heat,
His hair and skin should offer up at need.
Now must we each lay on most hardily,
So evil songs ne’er sung of us shall be.
Pagans are wrong: Christians are right indeed.1015
Evil example will never come of me.”



Oliver mounts upon a lofty peak,
Looks to his right along the valley green,
The pagan tribes approaching there appear;
He calls Rollanz, his companion, to see:1020
“What sound is this, come out of Spain, we hear,
What hauberks bright, what helmets these that gleam?
They’ll smite our Franks with fury past belief,
He knew it, Guenes, the traitor and the thief,
Who chose us out before the King our chief.”1025
Answers the count Rollanz: “Olivier, cease.
That man is my good-father; hold thy peace.”


Upon a peak is Oliver mounted,
Kingdom of Spain he sees before him spread,
And Sarrazins, so many gatherèd.1030
Their helmets gleam, with gold are jewellèd,
Also their shields, their hauberks orfreyèd,
Also their swords, ensigns on spears fixèd.
Rank beyond rank could not be numberèd,
So many there, no measure could he set.1035
In his own heart he’s sore astonishèd,