Page:The Song of Songs (1857).djvu/209

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Works by the same Author.

The Song of Songs.—Translated from the original Hebrew, with a Commentary (Historical and Critical), 1857.

Coheleth, commonly called the Book of Ecclesiastes.—Translated from the original Hebrew, with a Commentary (Historical and Critical), 1861.

The Karaites: Their History and Literature, 1862.

The Essenes: Their History and Doctrines, 1864.

The Kabbalah: Its Doctrines, Development and Literature, 1865.

The Massoreth Ha-Massoreth of Elias Levita.—Being an Exposition of the Massoretic Notes on the Hebrew Bible, or the Ancient Critical Apparatus of the Old Testament. In Hebrew, with an English Translation and Critical and Explanatory Notes, 1867.

Jacob b. Chayim Ibn Adonijah's Introduction to the Rabbinic Bible (Hebrew and English), with Explanatory Notes. Second Edition, 1867.

The Moabite Stone.—A Fac-simile of the Original Inscription, with an English Translation, and a Historical and Critical Commentary. Second Edition, 1871.

The Dageshed Alephs in the Karlsruhe M.S.—Being an Explanation of a difficult Massorah, 1881.

A Commentary on Leviticus. 1882.

Massoretico-Critical Text of the Hebrew Bible, 1894.

Introduction to the Massoretico-Critical Edition of the Hebrew Bible, 1897.

The Text of the Hebrew Bible in Abbreviations. 1899.

The Paseks throughout the Scriptures. 1902.

The Massorah.—Compiled from Manuscripts; alphabetically and lexically arranged. 4 Vols., Imperial Folio, 1880-1897. (Vol. IV. in the Press.)

  Virginia Water,