Page:The Song of the Sirens.djvu/133

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her, "that you shall choose your own husband for yourself?"

"He has," she answered.

"Hasn't he pledged himself that he would urge no suitor upon you," Dexibios went on, "that he would say nothing against any suitor to bias your choice, that he would leave the decision entirely to your spontaneous preference?"

"Dear old dad!" she chuckled. "He just has. No other father ever was half so good."

"Hasn't he taken oath to his pledge in Aphrodite's temple before all her priestesses and priests?" he continued.

"You know," Thessa agreed. "You were there."

"Hasn't he had his purpose and his pledge and his oath proclaimed in full market before all the town-hall and the people?" Dexibios pursued. "Hasn't he had it heralded through every city of the Pentapolis, hasn't it been advertised from Paraetonium to Sabrata? Doesn't all the world know of it?"

"Everybody knows about it, of course," Thessa asserted.

"Won't he keep his word?" Dexibios queried.

"Of course he will," Thessa triumphed, "that's how I know you and I are sure to be married. I'll never choose anyone but you. So I never can marry anyone else."