Page:The Song of the Sirens.djvu/344

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The feel of the sword at his thigh half restored him to sentience. He heard Bauro speak aloud:

"Hearken all men. Here before you stands Messer Melozzo Carpineti, lord of Vola. He has been lord of Vola since the death of Ser Romualdo. For six years I have been his deputy holding his castle for him, awaiting his return that I might deliver to him his own. From this moment you are to take orders from him as you took orders from Ser Romualdo, from Ser Vincenzo, from Ser Zenone. Salute the lord of Vola!"

The salute crashed out from every throat.

Bauro mute bowed low before Melozzo.

"Messer Melozzo," he said, "you are now lord of Vola. These men will obey your orders, your orders alone, any orders of yours."

"Any order of mine?" Melozzo queried.

Bauro, his face ashen gray, echoed:

"Any order of yours."

"Messer Bauro," said Melozzo, "you Disvole have a pretty taste in vengeance."

"A pretty taste," Bauro echoed, even grayer.

"You Disvole," Melozzo continued, "will give much for vengeance."

"We will give much," Bauro echoed.

"Even sometimes your lives?"

Again Bauro echoed.

"Even sometimes our lives."