Page:The Sources of Standard English.djvu/163

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The Sources of Standard English.

Ðe sevend moned was in cumen,
and sevene and xxti dais numen,
in Armenie ðat arche stod,
ðo was wið-dragen ðat ilc c flod. c same
Ðo ðe tende moned came in,
so wurð dragen ðe watres win d; d force
dunes wexen, ðe flod wið-drog,
It adde lested long anog.e e enough
Fowerti dais after ðis,
arches windoge undon it is,
ðe raven ut-fleg,f hu so it gan ben, f flew out
ne g cam he nogt to ðe arche agen. g nor
ðe duve fond h no clene stede, h found
and wente agen and wel it dede;
ðe sevendai eft ut it tog,i i went
and brogt a grene olives bog;k k bough
seve nigt siðen l everilc on l afterward
he is let ut flegen,m crepen, and gon, m to fly
wiðuten n ilc sevend clene der n except
ðe he sacrede on an aucter.o o altar
Sex hundred ger and on dan olde
Noe sag p ut of ðe arche-wolde; p looked
ðe first moned and te first dai,
he sag erðe drie & te water awai;
get he was wis and nogt to rad;q q quick
gede r he nogt ut, til God him bad. r went


(About A.D. 1230.)

Ar ne kuthe ich sorghe non,
Nu ich mot manen nun mon,
Karful wel sore ich syche;
Geltles ihc tholye muchele schame;
Help God for thin swete name,
Kyng of hevene-riche.