Page:The Sources of Standard English.djvu/243

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The Sources of Standard English.
Daw Mellow Prop
Fledge Mole Quill
Flue Nag Rabbit
Gag Nightmare Rattle
Glower Nip Shallow
Halloo Noddle Shrug
Jagged Parch Sink (latrina)
Ledge Pickle Sod
Lint Pip Spawn
Locker Plump Starch
Lump Prank Streamer
Lush (laxus) Prawn Stripe
Mash Pretty Tan

Scandinavian words, first found in England in the Fifteenth Century.

. . . . . .

Bulk Luck Rump
Butt (meta) Offal Scant
Dapper Peg Smatter
Fleet (volitare) Prong Spud
Fry (semen) Queasy Steep (infundere)
Harsh Ram (premere) Wheeze
Hassock Roach Wicker