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adopted by Aristotle in his peculiar system. The evidence upon obscure or doubtful questions connected with the subject is examined; and the relations which Rhetoric bears, in Aristotle's view, to the kindred art of Logic are considered. A connected Analysis of the treatise is given, sometimes in the form of paraphrase; and a few important matters are separately discussed in Appendices. There is added, as a general Appendix, by way of specimen of the antagonistic system of Isocrates and others, a complete analysis of the treatise called Ῥητοριχὴ πρὸς Ἀλέξαδρον, with a discussion of its authorship and of the probable results of its teaching.


ELENCHI. With a Translation and Notes by Edward Poste,

M.A., Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 8vo. 8s. 6d.

Besides the doctrine of Fallacies, Aristotle offers, either in this treatise or in other passages of his works quoted in the commentary, various glances over the world of science and opinion, various suggestions or problems which are still agitated, and a vivid picture of the ancient system of dialectics. “It is not only scholarlike and careful, it is also perspicuous.” — Guardian. “It is indeed a work of great skill” — Saturday Review.


IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. By John Stuart Blackie, Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh. Fcap. 8vo.

2s. 6d.

Why should the old practice of conversing in Latin and Greek be altogether discarded?” — Professor Jowett.

Professor Blackie has been in the habit, as part of the regular training of his class in Edinburgh University, of accustoming the students to converse in Greek. This method he has found to be eminently successful as a means of furnishing the students with a copious vocabulary, training them to use it promptly, confidently, and with correct articulation, and instilling into them an accurate and intelligent knowledge of Greek Grammar, which he hopes may aid other teachers in realizing the same ends. The present little volume furnishes a series of twenty-five gradu­ated dialogues in parallel columns of Greek and English on a great variety of interesting subjects. The author has had the advantage of submitting his work to the judgment of several scholars of repute, both English and Scotch. The Globe says: “Professor Blackie's system is sensible; his book is likely to be useful to teachers of Greek; and his suggestions valuable to the learners of any language.”