Page:The Sources of Standard English.djvu/442

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Besides the author's own, there are various other notes, for which the author is indebted to Professors Munro and Conington. All the citations have been taken anew from the original authors. “A painstaking and critical edition” — Spectator. “For really ripe scholarship, extensive acquaintance with Latin literature, and familiar knowledge of continental criticism, ancient and modern, it is unsurpassed among English editions.” — Edinburgh Review.


classified according to the arrangement of Curtius' Greek Grammar. By J. M. Marshall, M.A., Fellow and late Lecturer of Brasenose College, Oxford; one of the Masters in Clifton College. 8vo.

cloth. New Edition, 1s.

The system of this table has been borrowed from the excellent Greek Grammar of Dr. Curtius.

Mayor (John E. B.) — FIRST GREEK READER. Edited

after Karl Halm, with Corrections and large Additions by John E. B. Mayor, M.A., Fellow and Classical Lecturer of St. John's

College, Cambridge. Third Edition, revised. Fcap. 8vo. 4s. 6d.

A selection of short passages, serving to illustrate especially the Greek Accidence. A good deal of syntax is incidentally taught, and Madvig and other books are cited, for the use of masters: but no learner is expected to know more of syntax than is contained in the Notes and Vocabulary. A preface “To the Reader,” not only explains the aim and method of the volume, but also deals with classical instruction generally. The extracts are uniformly in the Attic dialect. This book may be used in connection with Mayor's “Greek for Beginners,” “After a careful examination we are inclined to consider this volume unrivalled in the hold which its pithy sentences are likely to take on the memory, and for the amount of true scholarship embodied in the annotations.”Educational Times.

Mayor (Joseph B.) — GREEK FOR BEGINNERS. By the

Rev. J. B. Mayor, M.A., Professor of Classical Literature in King's College, London. Part I., with Vocabulary, 1s. 6d. Parts II. and III., with Vocabulary and Index, 3s. 6d., complete in one

vol. Fourth Edition. Fcap. 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d.

The distinctive method of this book consists in building up a boy's knowledge of Greek upon the foundation of his knowledge of English and