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new put on, — the exact road which a word has travelled. The author thus hopes to render some assistance to those who regard this as a serviceable discipline in the training of their own minds or the minds of others, Although the book is in the form of a Glossary, it will be found as interest­ing as a series of brief well-told biographies.

Vaughan (C. M.) — A SHILLING BOOK OF WORDS FROM THE POETS By C. M. Vaughan. 18mo. cloth.

It has been felt of late years that the children of our parochial schools, and those classes of our countrymen which they commonly represent, are capable of being interested, and therefore benefited also, by something higher in the scale of poetical composition than those brief and somewhat puerile fragments to which their knowledge was formerly restricted. An attempt has been made to supply the want by forming a selection at once various and unambitious; healthy in tone, just in sentiment, elevating in thought, and beautiful in expression.

Whitney. — Works by W. D. Whitney, Professor of Sanskrit, and Instructor in Modern Languages in Yale College.
A GERMAN READER IN PROSE AND VERSE, with Notes and Vocabulary. Crown 8vo. 7s. 6d.
Yonge (Charlotte M.) — the ABRIDGED BOOK OF

GOLDEN DEEDS. A Reading Book for Schools and General Readers. By the Author of “The Heir of Redclyffe.” 18mo.

cloth. 1s.

A record of some of the good and great deeds of all time, abridged from the larger work of the same author in the Golden Treasury Series.