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*** For other Works by these Authors, see Theological Catalogue.

Abbott (Rev. E. A.) — Works by the Rev. E. A. Abbott, M.A., Head Master of the City of London School: —
BIBLE LESSONS. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 4s. 6d.

This book is written in the form of dialogues carried on between a teacher and pupil, and its main object is to make the scholar think for himself. The great bulk of the dialogues represents in the spirit, and often in the words, the religious instruction which the author has been in the habit of giving to the Fifth and Sixth Forms of the City of London School. The author has endeavoured to make the dialogues thoroughly unsectarian. “Wise, suggestive, and really profound initiation into religious thought.” — Guardian. “I think nobody could read them without being both the better for them himself and being also able to see how this difficult duty of imparting a sound religious education may be effected.” — From Bishop of St. David's Speech at the Education Conference at Abergwilly.

THE GOOD VOICES; A Child's Guide to the Bible. Crown 8vo. cloth extra, gilt edges. 5s.

Mr. Abbott is already known as a most successful teacher of religious truth; it is believed that this little book will show that he can make Bible lessons attractive and edifying even to the youngest child. The book is quite devoid of all conventionality and catechetical teaching, and only en­deavours in simple language and easy style, by means of short stories and illustrations from every quarter likely to interest a child, to imprint the rudiments of religious knowledge, and inspire young ones with a desire to love and trust God, and to do what is right. The author wishes to imbue them with the feeling that at all times and in all circumstances, whether in town or country, at work or at play, they are living in the presence of a heavenly Father, who is continually speaking to them with the Good Voices of Nature and Revelation. The volume contains upwards of 50 woodcuts.

PARABLES FOR CHILDREN. With Three Illustrations. Crown 8vo., gilt edges. 3s. 6d.