Page:The South Staffordshire Coalfield - Joseph Beete Jukes - 1859.djvu/104

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This exhibits very clearly what has been before alluded to in describing these beds, the gradual thickening of them towards the north, the total section being 150 feet greater at one end than the other.

If we were to take the thickness of the beds from the base of the Thick coal to the base of the Bottom coal, we should get precisely similar results as a whole. As, however, we possess 30 sections, which include the necessary data for the Bottom coal, while we have only 13 for the Blue flats, we should expect to find one or two of them a little out of their place, owing to partial and strictly local thickening or thinning of a few beds simultaneously, while generally these variations in thickness balanced each other. I add this list arranged in order of thickness:—

[1]1. The Graveyards 120 The south-western district.
2. The Level 133
3. Upper Gornal 133
4. Foxyards 159 Between Dudley and Wednesbury.
5. Tipton Green 160
6. Coneygree 167
7. Tipton Moat 167
8. Bradley Lodge 176 All between the latitudes of Coseley and Bilston.
9. Ettingshall, near Cann-lane 176
10. Highfields 194
11. Highfields 196
12. Highfields 203
13. Deepfields 205
14. Bradley 213
15. Dockmeadow 216
16. Priestfield Furnace 225 All on or about the latitude of Bilston.
17. Bilston Meadow 228
18. Priestfield Colliery 229
19. Friezland 232
20. Crabtree Piece 240
21. The Wallbutts 242
22. Chillington Colliery 250 All north of Bilston, near Wolverhapton.
23. Stowheath 253
24. Rough Hills 256
25. Bentley Heath 263 Still farther north.
26. Bentley Hall 265
[2]27. Lower Bradley 266   South of Bilston.
[3]28. Ettingshall Lodge 270   Due west of Bilston.
29. Bentley, northern part 276   North of 26.
30. Bloxwich 291   North of 29.

It follows, from an inspection of this list, that our identification of the Bottom coal in the three sections in the district south and west of Dudley, namely, Nos, 1, 2, and 3, that identification being founded only on the details of the sections, is rendered still more probable, from its harmonizing so well with our general results. It agrees, also, well with the statements before given as to the splitting up and separation of the Thick coal towards the north, and the coming in of other beds in that direction not known towards the south, and shows that the

  1. In geographical order the Graveyards would come between Nos. 2 and 8.
  2. The abnormal position of this section is due to a local thickening of the beds between the Thick and Heathen coals.
  3. Due to a local increase in the thickness of several of the measures, which is compensated for in the beds below the Bottom coal, as in the Blue flats list this section takes its proper geographical position