Page:The Southern Literary Messenger - Minor.djvu/83

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Literary Messenger

Vail, private secretary to Hon. W. H. Crawford when he was U. S. Minister to France; Wm. C. Bryant; (copied), Hugh M. Garland, Jr.; Maria G. Milward; J. N. Reynolds; Longfellow; Seba Smith; S. M. Janny; W. Wallace; W. B. Fairchild; Rev. E. H. Chapin; Gen. Lewis Cass, who sent his MSS. from Paris, whilst he was U. S. Minister, and Dr. John L. Martin.

There are a good many re-publications, one of which is a course of lectures on Phrenology, by Dr. George Combe. The Messenger under Mr. Poe espoused Phrenology. Now, we also have the two lectures of Dr. Thomas Sewall against it.

That very strong man, Judge Abel P. Upshur, was to have been the anniversary orator of the Virginia Historical Society; but serious sickness prevented and he sends to their organ what he would have said to them, on "Domestic Slavery." He bore a very prominent part in the administration of President Tyler, until his career was ended by the explosion of the large gun, the "Peacemaker," which was under exhibition, on the Potomac. Two other eminent Virginians, Gov. Gilmer and Commodore Kennon, shared his fate.

Dr. Henry Myers, of Richmond, won the prize offered for the best address upon the opening of the Avon Theatre, in Norfolk, Va. A competitor