Page:The Southern Literary Messenger volume 1.djvu/799

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788 SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. M Maniac's Address to the Moon 698 Marguerite, Lines to 465 Mary, Lines to 635, 692 Miniature, The — by George P. Morris 317 Miss Martineau, Lines on 319, 320 Moonlight 370 Musings, by the author of Vyvyan 14, 60, 99 My Child, Verses to — by Pertinax Placid 467 My Daughter's Lullaby 537 " My Life is Like the Summer Rose, " by Wilde. 13 Answer to it 452 My Native Home, by George Watterston 644 My Native Land, by Lucy T. Johnson 466 My own Opinion, a la Shakspeare 272 My Sisters, Lines to 604 My Wife, Lines to 199 N Napoleon 453 Napoleon's Grave, by R. H. Wilde 231 Nature and Art 437 Nugator, Verses by 82, 539 O " O Give me that Oblivious Draught !" 320 Ocean, The 671 Ocean Hymn, by Mrs. Willard 538 Ode, on a Fine Night at Sea 179 Old Parish Church, by Nugator 539 " One who will understand me," Lines to 369 P Parody on Bryant's Autumn 185 on Roy's Wife, by Warren R. Davis. ... 807 on the Song in Marmion " Where shall the Lover rest," &c 612 Parting 178 Passage of the Beresina 807 Peasant Women of the Canaries 184 Picture of Old Virginia, by Nugator .••...«.... 88 Pirate's Wife, Song of 77 1 Poems of Mrs. Jean Wood 809 Power of Faith 40 Prayer 872 R " Remember me. Love !" 692 Richmond Theatre, Ihe burning of. 666 Rosalie Lee (Young Rosalie) 332 Ruins of Jamestown— Lines on Viewing 178 S Sappho's Ode ^ To the Beloved Fair," a Stanza of it in Sarah — ^Lines to 692 Gaelic 454 Sea, a Sonnet on die — by A. L. Beard 860 Sea Bird's Revel, by Giles McQuiggin 764 Serenade 18 Sigourney, Mrs — her Poems 18, 51, 371, 372, 635, 755 Sleep 77 " Sleep on, thou Dear Maiden I" 604 Song , , 854, 69S Song, by the author of Vyryan. . , 6S Song of the Pirate's Wife 771 Song of the Seasons, by Larry Lyle 83^ Sonnets 49, 99, 1 16, 1 85, 860, 63S Speece's Poems ; 118 Spider, The 317 Spring, by Eliza 49S by "a Prisoner" 499 by "Roy" 499 Stanzas 49, 116, 119, 660 Stray Leaves 398 Susquehannah and Lackawanna, Lines on seeing their junction — by Mrs. Sigourney 371 Sybil's Leaf. 199 " The Dial marks the Sunny Hour" 604 The Declaration 180 " The Dove of my Bosom lies bleeding" 644 The True Foundation 390 " There's nae Laddie Coming," by Hogg 800 '* There is a Thought that still obtrudes" 540 "Thou Arch Magician !" 467 Thoughts, by E. A. S. 756 Thoughts on Seeing the Evening Star 319 Translations from Horace 719 from Adrian 719 True Consolation « 186 True Riches and Glory 379 "Trust Not,"by A.L.R 320 Truth and Falsehood 380 U Unfinished Poem, extract from 370 Unreasonable Wishes — to Miss S. S. 494 Victim of Disappointment 784 Visit to an Ancestral Vault 800 W Wanderer, The — by A. L. Beard 392 Washington and Napoleon, Contrasted 90 " We parted, not as Lovers part" 452 What I Love 452 "Where is my Heart" 453 White, Thomas H., Lines in Memory of 491, 638 Wilde, R. H. — Pieces by him. 13, 99, 186, 187, 231, 318 Willard, Mrs. — her contributions to the Messenger 538, 539 Winter Scenes, at Williamsburg 403 Wood, Mrs. Jean — Poems by 209 Young Rosalie Lee 332 Young Child, Lines to 101 Young Lady, Lines to 177 Digitized by Google