Page:The Soviet Socialist Constitution of december 5, 1936.djvu/36

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People's Commissariats

The following changes in the People's Commissariats have occurred:—

Defence—divided into—Defence
Water Transport

—divided into—Mercantile Marine
River Fleet

Heavy Industry

—divided into—Shipbuilding
Oil Industry
Coal Industry
Power Stations
Electrical Engineering
Heavy Metallurgy
Non-ferrous Metallurgy
Chemical Industry
Building Materials
Heavy Engineering
Medium Engineering
General Engineering

Defence Industry

—divided into—Aviation Industry
Armaments Industry
Munitions Industry

Food Industry

—divided into—Food Industry
Meat and Dairy Industry

Light Industry

—divided into—Light Industry

Timber Industry

—divided into—Timber Industry
Cellulose and Paper Industry
The following new Commissariats have been formed:—

  • Supplies
  • Building
  • State Control

Page Thirty-two