Page:The Spoilt Child.djvu/164

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I can tell you." Bakreswar Babu too had his say. "That is right: besides, the boy who is performing the shraddha is no common boy, he is the very model of a boy." Becharam Baba observed: "It is becoming a matter of notoriety that nothing ever goes right where Thakchacha and Bancharam have the management. Ugh! Ugh." The disturbance did not cease. The rowdy vagrants who were present, and others, kept adding to the confusion, and as blows from the canes continually rained on them, they shouted out, "A fine shraddha indeed you have celebrated." At length all the respectable gentlemen present, seeing the state of affairs, exclaimed:--

     "Friends! Call this a shraddha? Whose shraddha I pray?
          "Tis death to a Brahman to toil without pay."

"Come, we had better slip away at once: why should we run any more risk when there is nothing to be gained by it?"