Page:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 8 (1702-7).pdf/11

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The Eigth Volume of the Statures or the Realm contains the Statutes from the Commencement of the Reign of Queen Anne, A.D. 1702, to the End of the Sixth Year of the same Reign.

It is trusted that no Diminution of the Care and Accuracy which the high Importance of this Work demands, will be found in the Execution of the present Volume.

Three Engravings, the First of the Act for the Naturalization of The Princess Sophia of Hanover and her Issue; the Second for securing the Church of England as by Law established; and the Third for repealing and declaring the Determination of Two Acts passed in the Parliament of Scotland, the One intituled Act for the Security of the Kingdom, the other Act anent Peace and War, are inserted respectively, at Pages 487, 562, and 726

London,June 1821 JOHN RAITHBY, Sub-Commissioner.