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1o Annæ
A.D. 1702.

IV. How the said £3,700 per Week made up after the Expiration of Five Years and how applied. Provided also and it is hereby enacted and declared That from and after the Expiration of the said Term of Five Years so much Money as together with the said Payments after the Rate of Three Pounds per Centum per Annum then to commence and be applied for Satisfaction of the said Patentees and those claiming under them as aforesaid shall make up the Sum of Three thousand seven hundred Pounds for every Week during Her Majesties Life shall and may be taken out the said Hereditary Rates and Duties of Excise and out of the Rates and Duties of Excise hereby granted to Her Majesty for Her Life and either or any of them and the said Payments after the Rate of Three Pounds per Centum per Annum being deducted out of the Hereditary Part thereof the Residue of the ([1]) Three thousand seven hundred Pounds per Week be applied and disposed of to and for the public Use and Service Any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding

V. Reasons for passing this Enactment.And whereas the necessary Expences of supporting the Crown or the greatest part of them were formerly defrayed by a Land Revenue which hath from time to time been impaired and diminished by the Grants of former Kings and Queens of this Realm so that Her Majesties Land Revenues at present can afford very little towards the Support of Her Government nevertheless from time to time upon the Determination of the particular Estates whereupon many Reversions and Remainders in the Crown do now depend or expect and by such Lands Tenements and Hereditaments as may hereafter descend escheat or otherwise accrue or come to Her Majesty Her Heirs or Successors the Land Revenues of the Crown in Fines Rents and other Profits thereof may hereafter be increased and consequently the Burthen upon the Estates of the Subjects of this Realm may be eased and lessened in all future Provisions to be made for the Expences of the Civil Government To the end therefore that the Land Revenues of the Crown may be preserved improved and increased for the best Advantage thereof be it enacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid Grants of Lands, &c. from the Crown as herein mentioned void, That all and every Grant Lease or other Assurance which from and after the Five and twentieth Day of March in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and two shall be made or granted by Her Majesty Her Heirs or Successors Kings or Queens of this Realm under the Great Seal of England Exchequer Seal Seals of the Dutchy and County Palatine of Lancaster or any of them or by Copy of Court Roll or otherwise howsoever of any Mannors Mescuages Lands Tenements Rents Tythes Woods or other Hereditaments (Advowsons of Churches and Vicaridges only excepted) within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed or any of them or any part thereof now belonging or hereafter to belong to Her Majesty Her Heirs or Successors or to any other Person or Persons in trust for Her Majesty Her Heirs or Successors in Possession Reversion Remainder Use or Expectancy whether the same be or shall be in Right of the Crown of England or as Part of the Principality of Wales or of the Dutchy or County Palatine of Lancaster or otherwise howsoever to any Person or Persons Body Politick or Corporate whatsoever whereby any Estate or Interest whatsoever in Law or Equity shall or may pass from Her Majesty Her Heirs or Successors shall be utterly void and of none Effect unless made for such Estate herein mentioned and made to Commence from the making thereof, and for such Rent and upon such Terms as herein mentioned. unless such Grant Lease or Assurance be made for some Term or Estate not exceeding One and thirty Years or Three Lives or for some Term of Years determinable upon One Two or Three Lives and unless such Grant Lease or Assurance respectively be made to commence from the Date of making thereof and if such Grant Lease or Assurance be made to take Effect in Reversion or Expectancy that then the same together with the Estate or Estates in Possession of and in the Premisses therein contained do not exceed Three Lives or the Term of One and thirty Years in the whole and unless such Grant Lease or Assurance respectively be so made that the Tenant be liable to Punishment for Wast and unless there be reserved upon every such Grant Lease or Assurance respectively the ancient or most usual Rent or more or such Rent as hath been reserved yielded and paid for such of the sid Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Rents Tythes or other Hereditaments as shall be therein contained for the greater part of Twenty Years before the making thereof and where no such Rent shall have been reserved or payable that then upon every such Grant Lease or Assurance there be reserved a reasonable Rent not being under the Third Part of the clear yearly Value of such of the said Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Tythes or other Hereditaments as shall be contained in such Lease or Grant and unless such [respective[2]] Rents be made payable to Her Majesty Her Heirs or Successors who shall make such Lease or Grant and to Her or Their Heirs or Successors during the whole Term or Time of the Continuance therof respectively

VI. Proviso where greatest Part of the yearly Value consists of Buildings thereon, which may want repair, &c. Provided always and it is hereby enacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid That from time to time where the greatest Part of the Yearly Value of any Tenements or Hereditaments belonging or hereafter to belong to Her Majesty Her Heirs or Successors doth or shall at the Time of making any Lease or Grant thereof consist of the Building or Buildings thereupon which may want to be repaired or reedified in all and every such Case and Cases to encourage the rebuilding [and[3]] Reparation thereof it shall and may be lawfull to What Estate may in such Case be granted; and for Her Majesty Her Heirs and Successors at any Time after the said Five and twentieth Day of March in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and two to demise or grant such Tenements or Hereditaments to any Person or Persons for any Term or Estate so as such Term or Estate do not exceed Fifty Years or Three Lives and so as such Lease or Grant be made to commence from the Date or making thereof or if such Grant or Lease be made to take effect in Reversion or Expectancy that then the same together with the Estate or Estates in Possession of and in the ssme Tenements or Hereditaments do not exceed Fifty Years or Three Lives from the Date or making as aforesaid and what Rent reserved. and so as the same be not made dispunishable of Wast and so as there be reserved and payable upon every such Lease or Grant during such Term not exceeding Fifty Years or Three Lives as

  1. said. O.
  2. interlined on the Roll
  3. or O.